Connecting Classrooms to Communities in Winter!

  1. Check out WildBC’s 20 Ideas to Get Outdoors in Winter resource sheet
  2. Book WildBC ‘Below Zero’ Pro-d Workshop for your staff! If required, CBEEN has funds to support these workshops.
  3. Book a Wild Voices for Kids Winter Field Study! Winter programs include ‘Tracks, Habits & Homes’, ‘Winter Safety & Survival Skills’, and ‘Avalanche Skills’.
  4. Book a Wildsight Winter Wonder program (K-3) where students discover the awe of winter, how plants and animals adapt to it, and why it is so important for our local ecosystems.
  5. Take part in WildSafeBC’s monthly activities, including winter wildlife tracking and winter wildlife bingo!
  6. Check out Avalanche Canada’s educator resource page on  youth snow safety education. They have a wide range of material aimed at students K-12, created for inside and outside the classroom.
  7. Book a Winter #GETOUT! Program with Columbia Outdoor School. K-12 programs offered include Forest Ecology, Wildlife and Biodiversity, Predator-Prey Relations, Population Dynamics, Hibernation, Hiking, Snowshoeing, Survival and Orienteering.
  8. Check out Evergreen Canada’s Outdoor Play and Learning Winter Video Series
  9. Play the Canadian Wildlife Federation’s Winter Survival Game
  10. Connect with other community organizations in your area that can support your winter learning through CBEEN’s Community Organization Directory. Just select your school district, select ‘K-12’ and click on ‘Winter’, and presto!

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