Connecting Classrooms to Communities in Winter!
- Check out WildBC’s ‘20 Ideas to Get Outdoors in Winter‘ resource sheet
- Book WildBC ‘Below Zero’ Pro-d Workshop for your staff! If required, CBEEN has funds to support these workshops.
- Book a Wild Voices for Kids Winter Field Study! Winter programs include ‘Tracks, Habits & Homes’, ‘Winter Safety & Survival Skills’, and ‘Avalanche Skills’.
- Book a Wildsight Winter Wonder program (K-3) where students discover the awe of winter, how plants and animals adapt to it, and why it is so important for our local ecosystems.
- Take part in WildSafeBC’s monthly activities, including winter wildlife tracking and winter wildlife bingo!
- Check out Avalanche Canada’s educator resource page on youth snow safety education. They have a wide range of material aimed at students K-12, created for inside and outside the classroom.
- Book a Winter #GETOUT! Program with Columbia Outdoor School. K-12 programs offered include Forest Ecology, Wildlife and Biodiversity, Predator-Prey Relations, Population Dynamics, Hibernation, Hiking, Snowshoeing, Survival and Orienteering.
- Check out Evergreen Canada’s Outdoor Play and Learning Winter Video Series
- Play the Canadian Wildlife Federation’s Winter Survival Game
- Connect with other community organizations in your area that can support your winter learning through CBEEN’s Community Organization Directory. Just select your school district, select ‘K-12’ and click on ‘Winter’, and presto!